
Ship mooring to jetties under the crosscurrent


Quay walls or jetties in some ports or certain places of the ports are located in such a way that currents act at a particular angle to quay walls or jetties. Additional forces created by currents on mooring or moored ships as well as other forces produced by the wind, waves or shallow water effect should be taken in account when designing quay walls or jetties for ship mooring operations. The article describes ship mooring under crosscurrent conditions, calculates mooring methodology, experimentally examines the received theoretical results and provides recommendations to designers and ship operators when quay walls or jetties are arranged at a particular angle to the current.

First published online 04 September 2017

Keyword : ship mooring, quay walls, jetties, mooring conditions, ports

How to Cite
Paulauskas, V., Paulauskas, D., Plačienė, B., & Barzdžiukas, R. (2018). Ship mooring to jetties under the crosscurrent. Transport, 33(2), 454–460.
Published in Issue
Jan 26, 2018
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