
A model to obtain a SERVPERF scale evaluation of the CRM customer complaints: an application to the 4G telecommunications sector

    Ramón Alberto Carrasco Affiliation
    ; María Francisca Blasco Affiliation
    ; Jesús García-Madariaga Affiliation
    ; Ana Pedreño-Santos Affiliation
    ; Enrique Herrera-Viedma Affiliation


The relationship between customer churn and their complaints is sufficiently contrasted in the telecom sector. Therefore, a key part of a company’s strategy is the measurement of this dissatisfaction. It is important to conduct periodic surveys on complaints in a standard form like the SERVPERF scale because it enables the organization to benchmark. Many of these complaints are stored in the company’s CRM. Our first aim is to define a model to transform CRM customer complaints, expressed in natural language, into SERVPERF scales. In the proposed model, we use the 2-tuple model, which allows computing this linguistic data without losing information. Our second purpose is to implement a prototype to apply the model in a 4G Company. As a practical conclusion, most complaints in this emerging technology (which still has some deficiencies) are related to technical aspects of the services rather than to staff.

Keyword : SERVPERF, customer complaints, sentiment analysis, Fuzzy linguistic model, 2-tuple model, CRM trouble tickets

How to Cite
Carrasco, R. A., Blasco, M. F., García-Madariaga, J., Pedreño-Santos, A., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2018). A model to obtain a SERVPERF scale evaluation of the CRM customer complaints: an application to the 4G telecommunications sector. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(4), 1606-1629.
Published in Issue
Aug 28, 2018
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