
LAPACK95 ‐ high performance linear algebra package

    J. Dongarra Affiliation
    ; J. Waśniewski Affiliation


LAPACK95 is a set of FORTRAN95 subroutines which interfaces FORTRAN95 with LAPACK.

All LAPACK driver subroutines (including expert drivers) and some LAPACK computationals have both generic LAPACK95 interfaces and generic LAPACK77 interfaces. The remaining computationals have only generic LAPACK77 interfaces. In both types of interfaces no distinction is made between single and double precision or between real and complex data types.

LAPACK95 - didelio našumo tiesinės algebros algoritmų paketas

Santrauka. Šiame darbe aprašytas LAPACK 95 paketas, kurį sudaro FORTRAN95 paprogramių rinkinys. Jos skirtos realizuoti FORTRAN 95 interfeisą su standartine LAPACK biblioteka. Pateikiama būtiniausia informacija apie LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, FORTRAN 95 ir HPF bibliotekas. Po to trumpai suformuluojami bendri interfeiso sudarymo principai. LAPACK 95 nėra nauja tiesinės algebros algoritmų biblioteka, o tik konverteris, leidžiantis ir FORTRAN 95 programose naudoti LAPACK algoritmus. Parodyta, kaip galima išnaudoti platesnes FORTRAN 95 galimybes lyginant su standartiniu FORTRAN 77. Pateikti interfeisų pavyzdžiai.

First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010

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How to Cite
Dongarra, J., & Waśniewski, J. (2000). LAPACK95 ‐ high performance linear algebra package. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 5(1), 44-54.
Published in Issue
Dec 15, 2000
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