
The BKM criterion to the 3D double-diffusive magneto convection systems involving planar components

    Chol-Jun O Affiliation
    ; Fan Wu Affiliation


In this paper, we investigate the BKM type blowup criterion applied to 3D double-diffusive magneto convection systems. Specifically, we demonstrate that a unique local strong solution does not experience blow-up at time T, given that ). To prove this, we employ the logarithmic Sobolev inequality in the Besov spaces with negative indices and a well-known commutator estimate established by Kato and Ponce. This result is the further improvement and extension of the previous works by O (2021) and Wu (2023).

Keyword : double-diffusive convection systems, blowup criterion, commutator estimate, regularity

How to Cite
O, C.-J., & Wu, F. (2024). The BKM criterion to the 3D double-diffusive magneto convection systems involving planar components. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 29(4), 684–693.
Published in Issue
Oct 11, 2024
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