
A three-level parallelisation scheme and application to the Nelder-Mead algorithm

    Rima Kriauzienė   Affiliation
    ; Andrej Bugajev   Affiliation
    ; Raimondas Čiegis   Affiliation


We consider a three-level parallelisation scheme. The second and third levels define a classical two-level parallelisation scheme and some load balancing algorithm is used to distribute tasks among processes. It is well-known that for many applications the efficiency of parallel algorithms of these two levels starts to drop down after some critical parallelisation degree is reached. This weakness of the twolevel template is addressed by introduction of one additional parallelisation level. As an alternative to the basic solver some new or modified algorithms are considered on this level. The idea of the proposed methodology is to increase the parallelisation degree by using possibly less efficient algorithms in comparison with the basic solver. As an example we investigate two modified Nelder-Mead methods. For the selected application, a Schro¨dinger equation is solved numerically on the second level, and on the third level the parallel Wang’s algorithm is used to solve systems of linear equations with tridiagonal matrices. A greedy workload balancing heuristic is proposed, which is oriented to the case of a large number of available processors. The complexity estimates of the computational tasks are model-based, i.e. they use empirical computational data.

Keyword : multi-level parallelisation, load balancing and task assignment, parallel optimisation, Nelder-Mead algorithm, Wang's algorithm, model-based parallelisation, finite difference methods, Schrödinger equation

How to Cite
Kriauzienė, R., Bugajev, A., & Čiegis, R. (2020). A three-level parallelisation scheme and application to the Nelder-Mead algorithm. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25(4), 584-607.
Published in Issue
Oct 13, 2020
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