
Modeling methodology of progressive collapse by the example of real high-rise buildings


The purpose of the research was to find out several ways to design real buildings with protective measures against progressive collapse. There are no uniform guidelines for choosing the type of finite element able to provide the necessary accuracy of the calculation model taking into account all the main factors affecting the strength and stability of the building. Therefore it is required to develop numerical methods for calculation on progressive collapse of buildings bearing structural elements in case of emergency. In addition, our task was to present a methodology that allows checking the stability of the building agains progressive collapse. By the technique nonlinear analysis on special (emergency) regulations combination of loads and impacts is performed, including permanent and long-term regulatory burden and the impact of hypothetical local fractures bearing structures. This study was carried out on the high rise apartment complex with underground parking. In the empirical part of the study the main concern was to find out the reasons of progressive collapse of structures, taking into account stepwise assembly, building inspection performed rollover. Also the existing building retail and office complex “Gulliver” with public facilities and parking is considered, where computation was made on the progressive collapse of the upper slab technical floor. The calculation was carried out on plates or emergency landing helicopter crash on the floor slab. Analysis of the results leads to the following conclusions. To assess the real vitality of the building in an emergency situation, and resistance to progressive collapse it is recommended to count design taking into account physical and geometric nonlinearity and process modeling lifecycle.

Article in Russian.

Aukštybinių pastatų progresuojančios griūties modeliavimas


Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas aukštybinių pastatų progresuojančios griūties modeliavimas. Pasitelkiant programinę įrangą LIRA- SAPR atliktas kompiuterinis eksperimentas, iliustruojantis pastato griūtį veikiant įvairiems veiksniams.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: progresuojanti griūtis, gyvavimo ciklas, kompiuterinis modeliavimas, konstrukcijos elementai, netiesiškumas, stabilumas.

Keyword : progressive collapse, life cycle, computer simulation, design elements, nonlinear analysis, stability

How to Cite
Barabash, M. (2014). Modeling methodology of progressive collapse by the example of real high-rise buildings. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 6(5), 520-530.
Published in Issue
Dec 19, 2014
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