
Analysis of air-to-water heat pump in cold climate: comparison between experiment and simulation


Heat pump systems are promising technologies for current and future buildings and this research presents the performance of air source heat pump (ASHP) system. The system was monitored, analysed and simulated using TRNSYS software. The experimental data were used to calibrate the simulation model of ASHP. The specific climate conditions are evaluated in the model. It was noticed for the heating mode that the coefficient of performance (COP) varied from 1.98 to 3.05 as the outdoor temperature changed from –7.0 ºC to +5.0 ºC, respectively. TRNSYS simulations were also performed to predict seasonal performance factor of the ASHP for Vilnius city. It was identified that seasonal performance prediction could be approximately 15% lower if frost formation effects are not included to air-water heat pump simulation model.

Article in English.

Šilumos siurblio „oras – vanduo“, veikiančio šaltame klimate, eksperimentinių ir modeliavimo rezultatų palyginamoji analizė


Straipsnyje pateikiami orinio šilumos siurblio sistemos tyrimo rezultatai: sistemos monitoringo duomenų ir TRNSYS aplinkoje sudaryto modelio rezultatų palyginamoji analizė. Imitacinis modelis buvo kalibruotas pagal eksperimentinius duomenis. Išorės oro temperatūrų intervale nuo –7.0 ºC iki +5.0 ºC šilumos siurblio efektyvumas (COP) svyravo tarp 1,98 ir 3,05. Imitaciniame modelyje, atsižvelgiant į užšalimo įtaką, šis efektas sezoninį efektyvumą sumažina 15 %, lyginant su atveju, kai garintuvo užšalimo ir atitirpinimo efektai nėra įvertinami.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: orinis šilumos siurblys, efektyvumo koeficientas, eksperimentinis tyrimas, imitacinis modeliavimas, sezoninio efektyvumo faktorius, TRNSYS.

Keyword : air source heat pump, coefficient of performance, experiment; simulation, seasonal performance factor, TRNSYS

How to Cite
Januševičius, K., & Streckienė, G. (2015). Analysis of air-to-water heat pump in cold climate: comparison between experiment and simulation. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 7(4), 468-474.
Published in Issue
Sep 29, 2015
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