
Contemporary typologic alternatives of burying and the principles of burying architecture formation


The context of the concept of modern burial traditions is an inseparable from religion, which is a base to convey natural customs of the unique culture using numinous values. In the sense of allegory, burial character conveys immortality vision. Therefore there are many variations of interpretation in different cultures at a different time. A fundamental change of burial typology and architecture happens due to the changes of the life style. Scientific advance is the most fateful thing, which changes the attitude towards the functionality as well as to creativity in the burial sector. Due to the postmodernism, an exceptional, relatively separate form of the burial – virtual information bases of the dead, also actual as an alternative direction of the applied art to visual expression, have been formed on the basis of digital technologies. Essential objects of today‘s burial space topic are identified as a holistic optimisation of the consumerism, full-fledged integration of burial spaces in modern urbanistic structures and formation of multicultures. The solutions of this topic usually come through the multifunction of burial territories, burial nature and multifunction of architecture, as well as universal application, the priority of stable creation of the environment, including the search of the new typological alternatives of the burial. The components of burial space formation, significant to Lithuania, more or less match the global situation. Therefore, it is favourable for the state to take more objective account of the viable long-term juridical base and policy of burial space planning, the strategy of which would not lack of national features of heritage protection, however, using architecture as a means, would convey memorial persistent value and significance of the commemoration of the dead in a modern and creative way.

Article in Lithuanian.

Šiuolaikinės laidojimo tipologinės alternatyvos ir architektūros formavimo principai


Šiame straipsnyje atskleidžiami kone dažniausiai taikytini šiuolaikinių laidojimo alternatyvų tipai ir jų vystymosi perspektyvoje tendencijos, aktualios architektūros formavimo principams, įskaitant ir kūrybingumą bei ryšį su Religija. Ateities kapinių vizija analizuojama siejant su laidojimo pobūdžiu, racionaliomis mirties įprasminimo ir laidojimo zonų integravimo urbanistinėje erdvėje galimybėmis bei velionio įamžinimu. Nagrinėjamos sritys, reikšmingos holistinei globaliai laidojimo erdvių problematikai, yra reikšmingos Lietuvos Respublikos religiniam diskursui pagal galiojančius nacionalinius dokumentus religinės situacijos bei įstatyminės bazės apimtyje.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: laidojimo teritorijos, laidojimo būdas, laidojimo tipologinė alternatyva, kapinių architektūra, memorialinis įamžinimas, inovatyvios technologijos, kultūros religinis identitetas, religija.

Keyword : burying territories, burying typeburying, typological alternative, cemetery architecture, memorials, inovative technologies, culture religious identity, religion

How to Cite
Augustinaitė, D. (2016). Contemporary typologic alternatives of burying and the principles of burying architecture formation. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 8(1), 139-147.
Published in Issue
Apr 28, 2016
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