
The problem of the ease of doing business assessment


The study deals with the ease of doing business and global competitiveness assessment models. Both models basically describe conditions for doing business in a certain country that is being ranked and evaluated. However, different data mining principles differ the results (quantitative and qualitative methods), although factors measured are basically the same concerning its nature and importance. The World Economic Forum’s method takes into account several factors that are possible to evaluate only in quantitative method (e.g. Ethics and corruption). We have overviewed both models and graphically presented evaluation processes with detailed factors that are evaluated in each model.

Article in Lithuanian.

Verslo sąlygų palankumo vertinimo problema

Anotacija. Nagrinėjami Pasaulio Banko ir Pasaulio ekonomikos forumo sudaryti verslo sąlygų palankumo (konkurencingumo) vertinimo modeliai, kuriais remiantis kasmet sudaromas vertinamų valstybių tarpusavio įvertis. Aptariama metodikose vertinami aspektai, analizuojami ir lyginami vertinimo būdai, tyrimų, remiantis metodikomis, rezultatų diferenciacijos priežastys, atskleidžiami metodikų trūkumai.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: verslo sąlygos, konkurencingumas, Pasaulio Bankas, Pasaulio ekonomikos forumas.

Keyword : business conditions, competitiveness, the World Bank, World Economic Forum

How to Cite
Samoška, M. (2011). The problem of the ease of doing business assessment. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 1(3), 66-69.
Published in Issue
Apr 11, 2011
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