
Analysis of characteristics of lateral stability of sailplane Lak 17a by computational method


A computer-based geometrical model of the Lak-17a sailplane was generated with the program AVL (Athena Vortex Lattice), which is designed to analyse the characteristics of flight and to provide a rapid analysis of the configuration of an aircraft. Various characteristics of stability and control were calculated by simulating a real flight with the program. According to the results, a conclusion was formulated and suggestions about how to improve the stability and control of the aircraft were offered.

Article in Lithuanian.

Sklandytuvo Lak 17a šoninio stabilumo  charakteristikų tyrimas skaitiniu metodu

Santrauka. Kompiuterinis geometrinis sklandytuvo Lak 17a modelis sugeneruotas programa AVL, kuri skirta orlaivių konfigūracijos ir skrydžio charakteristikų analizei. Imituojant realų skrydį programa suskaičiuotos įvairios pastovumo ir pavaldumo charakteristikos. Pagal gautus rezultatus suformuluotos išvados kiekvienam šoninio nestabilumo atvejui ir pateiktos rekomendacijos, kaip būtų galima pagerinti orlaivio stabilumą ir pavaldumą.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: olandiškas žingsnis, šoninis stabilumas, AVL, Lak 17a, nestabilumas, spiralė.

Keyword : dutch roll, lateral stability, AVL, LAK 17a, instability, helix

How to Cite
Gildutis, P., & Lasauskas, E. (2011). Analysis of characteristics of lateral stability of sailplane Lak 17a by computational method. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 1(6), 106-110.
Published in Issue
Apr 15, 2011
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