
Exchange characteristics of an anthropogenically modified lagoon: an Eulerian-Lagrangian modeling case study with an emphasis on the number of particles

    Banu Tansel Büyükçelebi Affiliation
    ; Hasan Karabay Affiliation
    ; Ata Bilgili Affiliation


The transport pathways and exchange characteristics of the Kamil Abdüş Lagoon in Istanbul, Turkey, are simulated using a finite element model with a Lagrangian particle tracking module. The lagoon is in the process of being reconfigured. The simulations are performed using a draft configuration. The effect of winds and the number of particles on the e-folding time is simulated. Results show that the lagoon is strongly dominated by winds with a correlation coefficient of 0.897 between the wind and residual current magnitudes. The lagoon e-folds in 9.1 days under realistic winds and in 14.3 days when there is no wind with confidence levels of 5%. The Lagrangian study uses six simulations with particle numbers ranging between 65073 and 2730486. A methodology based on confidence levels is proposed. It is observed that approximately 784 000 particles are necessary to obtain 5% level of confidence. With a problematic history and new planning options, the lagoon has a potential to be used as an example setting, all-field study ground for anthropogenically engineered coastal ecosystems.

Keyword : particle tracking, number of particles, Lagrangian, exchange, residence time, wind, restoration, lagoon, numerical model, Tuzla

How to Cite
Tansel Büyükçelebi, B., Karabay, H., & Bilgili, A. (2021). Exchange characteristics of an anthropogenically modified lagoon: an Eulerian-Lagrangian modeling case study with an emphasis on the number of particles. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 29(3), 251-262.
Published in Issue
Aug 23, 2021
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