Interactive multicriteria decision aiding under risk – methods and applications
In the paper a discrete multicriteria decision making problem under risk is considered. It is assumed that the set of alternatives consists of a finite number of elements that are explicitly described. The evaluations of alternatives with respect to criteria are represented by distribution functions. The decision maker tries to find a solution preferred to all other solutions. To solve the problem one has to analyze the decision maker's preferences. In the study interactive approach is used. Three interactive methods and its applications in operations management are presented.
Article in English.
Interaktyvių daugiakriterinių sprendimų pasiskirstymas rizikos sąlygomis: metodai ir sprendimai
Santrauka. Straipsnyje pateikiama diskreèiuju sprendimu priemimo problemos analize apimant rizikos veiksnius. Pasirinkimo alternatyvos suprantamos kaip kompleksas baigtiniu elementu ir alternatyvos, atsižvelgiant i kriterijus, yra išreikštos paskirstymo funkcijomis. Priimant sprendimus butina atrasti išeiti, priimtin tolesniems sprendimams. Straipsnyje siuloma, kad, norint išsprêsti vien problem, butina išanalizuoti sprendimu vertintojo lukesèius.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: daugiakriterinis vertinimas, interaktyvus metodas, sprendimu priemimas rizikos slygomis, stochastinis pasiskirstymas, valdymo sprendimai.
Keyword : multicriteria analysis, interactive approach, decision making under risk, stochastic dominance, managerial decisions

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