
The evolution of the energy import dependence network and its influencing factors: taking countries and regions along the Belt and Road as an example

    Qingru Sun Affiliation
    ; Xiangyun Gao Affiliation
    ; Jingjian Si Affiliation
    ; Xian Xi Affiliation
    ; Siyao Liu Affiliation
    ; Huiling Zheng Affiliation
    ; Wenting Liang Affiliation


This paper provides the concept of import dependence between countries, which is a relative quantity. In order to reveal the evolutionary characteristics of the import dependence between countries in energy trade and its influencing factors, firstly, based on the network analysis method, this paper constructs a model of energy import dependence network (EIDN) among countries and regions along the Belt and Road (B&R countries). Crude oil and natural gas are taken as empirical objects, and the evolution characteristics of the two kinds of EIDNs are analysed. The result showed that most of the B&R countries had a small number of crude oil and natural gas trade partners. However, the import dependence in crude oil and natural gas trade between countries is relatively large, indicating that the risk of oil and gas security in B&R countries is high. Moreover, based on the QAP method, spatial distance, economic differences, the signing of free trade agreements, and the differences in energy consumption between countries have a significant impact on the import dependence in crude oil and natural gas trade among B&R countries.

First published online 30 November 2021

Keyword : energy trade, import dependence, influencing factors, QAP method, network analysis, B&R countries

How to Cite
Sun, Q., Gao, X., Si, J., Xi, X. ., Liu, S., Zheng, H., & Liang, W. (2022). The evolution of the energy import dependence network and its influencing factors: taking countries and regions along the Belt and Road as an example. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 23(1), 105–130.
Published in Issue
Jan 24, 2022
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