
Positive emotions and employees’ protection-motivated behaviours: a moderated mediation model

    Jie Zhen Affiliation
    ; Zongxiao Xie Affiliation
    ; Kunxiang Dong Affiliation


This study explores the relationship between positive emotions and protection-motivated behaviours by focusing on the mediating role of self-efficacy and the moderating role of information security awareness. Based on a sample of 215 full-time employees from various organizations in China, the results of hierarchical regression and moderated path analysis indicate that positive emotions positively influence protection-motivated behaviours, and self-efficacy partially mediates this relationship. In addition, information security awareness has a positive moderating effect on the relationships between positive emotions and self-efficacy and between self-efficacy and protectionmotivated behaviours. Furthermore, the findings show that information security awareness has a positive moderating effect on the mediating effect of self-efficacy between positive emotions and protection-motivated behaviours. The theoretical and practical implications of these results, as well as directions for future research, are discussed.

Keyword : protection-motivated behaviours, positive emotions, information security awareness, self-efficacy, protection motivation theory, broaden-and-build theory

How to Cite
Zhen, J. ., Xie, Z. ., & Dong, K. . (2020). Positive emotions and employees’ protection-motivated behaviours: a moderated mediation model. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21(5), 1466-1485.
Published in Issue
Sep 11, 2020
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