
Valuations of building plots using the AHP method

    Fatma Bunyan Unel Affiliation
    ; Sukran Yalpir Affiliation


Predicting the value of real estate is a complex endeavor due to the abundance of subjective criteria. Objective consideration of the value-affecting criteria in real estate and regulation of decision support systems will enable the acquisition of more accurate results. In this study, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a type of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), is used to reproduce coefficients that serve as the basis for real estate valuation. A region in the Selcuklu district of Konya, Turkey was used to test the model created by AHP. Weighted criteria describing areas subjected to purchase/sale were generated by the AHP method and then validated. Additionally, a valuation model was created by the multiple regression analysis (MRA) method for comparison and performance analyses. Weighted values were transformed from AHP points and acquired from the MRA method and then joined with geographic information systems (GIS). Value maps of the study area and purchase/sale values were generated according to these newly created models. The performance comparison and value maps revealed that the AHP method is more successful than the MRA method. This study addressed the complexity of criteria issue by using the original hierarchical structure of AHP and thus contributes to the world economy by enabling the generation of more accurate estimations.

Keyword : Real estate valuation, MCDA, decision making, multiple regression analysis (MRA), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), geographic information systems (GIS)

How to Cite
Bunyan Unel, F., & Yalpir, S. (2019). Valuations of building plots using the AHP method. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 23(3), 197-212.
Published in Issue
Feb 18, 2019
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