
The effect of urban green spaces on house prices in Warsaw

    Radoslaw Trojanek Affiliation
    ; Michal Gluszak Affiliation
    ; Justyna Tanas Affiliation


In the paper, we analysed the impact of proximity to urban green areas on apartment prices in Warsaw. The data-set contained in 43 075 geo-coded apartment transactions for the years 2010 to 2015. In this research, the hedonic method was used in Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Weighted Least Squares (WLS) and Median Quantile Regression (Median QR) models. We found substantial evidence that proximity to an urban green area is positively linked with apartment prices. On an average presence of a green area within 100 meters from an apartment increases the price of a dwelling by 2,8% to 3,1%. The effect of park/forest proximity on house prices is more significant for newer apartments than those built before 1989. We found that proximity to a park or a forest is particularly important (and has a higher implicit price as a result) in the case of buildings constructed after 1989. The impact of an urban green was particularly high in the case of a post-transformation housing estate. Close vicinity (less than 100 m distance) to an urban green increased the sales prices of apartments in new residential buildings by 8,0–8,6%, depending on a model.

Keyword : hedonic methods, parks, urban green, property prices

How to Cite
Trojanek, R., Gluszak, M., & Tanas, J. (2018). The effect of urban green spaces on house prices in Warsaw. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22(5), 358-371.
Published in Issue
Sep 24, 2018
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