
Creative processes of emotional images: the effects of aspect ratio on the emotional and aesthetic properties of images

    Arvydas Kuzinas   Affiliation
    ; Rasa Pilkauskaitė-Valickienė   Affiliation
    ; Mykolas Simas Poškus   Affiliation


Proportions are one of the primary components of successful image composition during the visual art creation process, which, in turn, is determinant of the variety of effects of images on the viewer, including emotional reactions, attention, and aesthetic preference. The importance of image width and height ratio is especially visible in the current trend to adopt the widest possible screens in a variety of modern creative media applications: photo, video, computer games, etc. In the present study emotional and aesthetic evaluations of the three most popular aspect ratios that are used in digital media devices were compared. This was achieved by assessing emotional arousal and valence ratings together with the interest and appeal evaluations of realistic photos presented in 4:3, 16:9, and 21:9 aspect ratios. The results demonstrated that the widest images did not have an inherent advantage – photos presented in the mid-wide aspect ratio of 16:9 could be considered as more effective, because they were rated as evoking the most positive emotional reactions and as the most liked pictures. This demonstrated that single design features can have an independent emotional effect, which needs to be considered in visual design aiming to evoke emotional reactions to the viewer.

Keyword : aesthetics, aspect ratio, composition, creative process, design elements, emotion

How to Cite
Kuzinas, A., Pilkauskaitė-Valickienė, R., & Poškus, M. S. (2024). Creative processes of emotional images: the effects of aspect ratio on the emotional and aesthetic properties of images. Creativity Studies, 17(1), 14–26.
Published in Issue
Jan 12, 2024
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