
The mediating effect of proactive knowledge sharing among transformational leadership, cohesion, and learning goal orientation on employee performance

    Layaman Layaman   Affiliation
    ; Pahlawansjah Harahap Affiliation
    ; Indi Djastuti Affiliation
    ; Aan Jaelani   Affiliation
    ; Diana Djuwita Affiliation


The background of this study is based on the controversial relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance. Empirical and theoretical models resolve the controversy by building a new concept based on proactive knowledge sharing. The study established the influence of transformational leadership, cohesion and learning goal orientation on proactive knowledge sharing and employee performance. A total of 7 hypotheses were developed to solve the study problem, while purposive sampling was used in data collection. The respondents consisted of 6 employees of Sharia Banking in Indonesia. The SEM results indicate that five hypotheses were significant, while 2 were insignificant. Furthermore, proactive knowledge sharing strongly mediates the relationship between the studied variables. These results confirm the withdrawal of the new concept in improving employee performance.

Keyword : transformational leadership, learning goal orientation, proactive knowledge sharing, employee performance

How to Cite
Layaman, L., Harahap, P., Djastuti, I., Jaelani, A., & Djuwita, D. (2021). The mediating effect of proactive knowledge sharing among transformational leadership, cohesion, and learning goal orientation on employee performance. Business: Theory and Practice, 22(2), 470-481.
Published in Issue
Dec 7, 2021
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