Developing Alsim AL250 based eVTOL flight simulator
A novel eVTOL aircraft simulator was developed for research and teaching purposes. The simulator integrated MATLAB/Simulink flight dynamics model with Alsim AL250 FNPT II flight simulator. Simplified version of the Neoptera’s eOpter eVTOL aircraft was used as a test case to verify the flight simulator. It was shown that the aircraft responded as expected by the pilot and that the traditional handling qualities metrics and VTOL requirements (MIL-F-83300, MIL-F-8785C, EASA-SC-VTOL-02) could be used along the flight simulator to assess aircraft being tested. Take-off showed an increase in climb rate as well as overshoot of the target altitude with higher RPM setting. Qualitative assessment of transition showed suitable stability and control feel for the eVTOL to be operated by a single pilot. Quantitative assessment of the longitudinal manoeuvring characteristics showed Level 2 SPPO handling qualities for the tested eVTOL aircraft, qualitative definition of which agreed with the pilot’s opinion. It was also shown that increasing initial velocity for the SPPO mode test increased the mode’s natural frequency, but almost did not affect the damping ratio, which is within the expectations.
Keyword : aircraft modelling and simulation, eVTOL, flight dynamics, flight simulator, handling qualities, pilot-in-the-loop

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