Vol 10 No 1 (2017)
Published: 2017-07-03
Creativity and Creative Industries in Europe and Beyond
Abstract 1270 | PDF Downloads 419 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/23450479.2017.1336842
Page 1-2
Lumen intellectus and economic benefit: expansion of and obstacles to creative industries in the Baltic countries
Abstract 548 | PDF Downloads 526 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/23450479.2016.1164255
Page 3-13
Promoting competitiveness in creative industries: changes and trends of Lithuanian film industry in 21st century
Abstract 657 | PDF Downloads 732 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/23450479.2016.1207719
Page 14-25
Managers’ activities within cultural and creative clusters: an essential element for cluster development in the Visegrád countries
Abstract 596 | PDF Downloads 548 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/23450479.2016.1266049
Page 26-42
The creative cultural practice of sharing ecotopian visions through a collaborative art project
Abstract 575 | PDF Downloads 497 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/23450479.2017.1337049
Page 43-58
Subculture’s creativity as an identity formation mechanism
Abstract 707 | PDF Downloads 980 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/23450479.2016.1231138
Page 59-71
A new creative Kurdish constitution in the Middle East
Abstract 667 | PDF Downloads 867 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/23450479.2017.1284164
Page 72-83
Evoking teacher creativity while using social media
Abstract 675 | PDF Downloads 644 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/23450479.2017.1306808
Page 84-96
Selective realism versus individual realism for scientific creativity
Abstract 532 | PDF Downloads 415 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/23450479.2017.1335655
Page 97-107